99 sw2 stereo wiring

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by onesandzeroes01, Aug 22, 2007.

  1. My sister just purchased a 1999 Saturn SW2 and wants me to put in an
    aftermarket CD player - does anyone have the wiring diagram?

    onesandzeroes01, Aug 22, 2007
  2. onesandzeroes01

    Lane Guest

    Please consider buying a radio wiring harness from Wal-Mart or any auto
    parts store for around $10. It connects to the factory plug so you don't
    have to cut it off and wonder which wire is which, and provides a diagram of
    how to connect its wiring to your aftermarket radio. It also allows the
    aftermarket radio to be removed and the stock one reinstalled very easily if
    you sell the car in the future and want to keep your better radio.

    You can find more info here, as well as instructions on the install process
    overall: http://www.installdr.com/InstallDocs/Saturn/PDF/728005.pdf

    Lane [ lane (at) evilplastic.com ]
    Lane, Aug 23, 2007
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