'98 SW2 with cylinder problems

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by Indy_Rob, Oct 30, 2006.

  1. Indy_Rob

    Indy_Rob Guest

    Question for all of you. I have a '98 SW2 that would not start this
    morning. A friend came over and we pulled the spark plugs. One plug was
    covered in oil. We wiped it down put it back and tried again. When it
    did not start up we pulled it back out to look down into the housing of
    the spark plug to see if there were any cracks. Below the housing, I
    could actually see oil sloshing around in the cylinder. We don't think
    that there is any radiator fluid because when we pulled the dipstick, the
    oil was actually a little low and looked normal. Any ideas on how the oil
    got in the cylinder and any thoughts as to the approximate cost of repair
    for something like this?
    Indy_Rob, Oct 30, 2006
  2. Indy_Rob

    Matt Brown Guest

    The good you just need a new valve cover gasket to fix the oil
    issue. Oil simply leaks into the area where the spark plug goes, and
    when you pulled out the spark plug it drained into the cylinder.
    nothing to worry about, but change the valve cover gasket.
    The bad this would not cause your no-start. Can you give us
    more information? Does it crank, but not start? Pull off all the
    spark plug wires. Have someone crank the car while you look at the
    coil packs (the small end of the spark plug wire). You should see
    arching across the towers. If you do not - you need a new CPS
    (Crankshaft Position Sensor). $15 part, not to difficult to install.

    Go to www.saturnfans.com and check the forums for more information.

    Matt Brown, Oct 31, 2006
  3. Indy_Rob

    Indy_Rob Guest

    Well, I got it fixed. Had a friend help me diagnose. Just a simple PCV
    valve and a few spark plugs. Thank goodness.
    Indy_Rob, Nov 5, 2006
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