98 SL2 Sunroof Clicking

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by mgrabows, Feb 16, 2006.

  1. mgrabows

    mgrabows Guest

    The sunroof on my 98 SL2 makes a loud, repetative clicking noise when I
    bring it to the closed position. The click continues as long as I hold
    the switch to close. If I hold the switch in the "vent" position, the
    sunroof goes past the normal vent position and stops about half way to
    the full open position.

    I believe the problem started when my sunshade became partially
    detached and impeded the window from closing once. Since then, I've had
    the problem and I try to avoid it by bringing the window near the
    closed position, without making it go the entire way.

    Any ideas on what I should look for? I have the Chilton manual with an
    exploded view of the sunroof.

    Thanks in advance.
    mgrabows, Feb 16, 2006
  2. mgrabows

    marx404 Guest

    sounds like either something wrong with the tracking or the motor relay.

    marx404, Feb 19, 2006
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