98 SL2 Shift Problem

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by Dan, Sep 14, 2003.

  1. Dan

    Dan Guest

    The Auto Transmission in my 98 SL2 wont come out of Park on startup
    when it is cold. It has done it for some time and is not much of a
    problem in summer. It does it when temp gets below about 40 degrees.
    You let it warm up with heater on and It can take up to 10 min. to
    release. Any Ideas or trouble shooting tips you can pass along?
    Dan, Sep 14, 2003
  2. Dan

    BANDIT2941 Guest

    Is the shifter physically jammed or will it move into gear(but the trans
    doesn't actually engage)??
    BANDIT2941, Sep 15, 2003
  3. Dan

    Dan Guest

    Shift Interlock soleniod would not let shifter out of park until it
    warmed up. I think I fixed problem by disconecting solenoid. Does
    solenoid have any other function other than safety back-up to engaging
    xmsn with foot off brake pedal? If not, I think I can do without it.
    Dan, Sep 16, 2003
  4. No, that's all it does is block the shifter until the brake pedal is
    pressed. Likely the solenoid is sticking or something. You could just leave
    it unplugged if you wish, assuming you don't have kids likely to play with
    the shifter when the car's parked with the engine running :)
    Robert Hancock, Sep 17, 2003
  5. Dan

    BANDIT2941 Guest

    Shift Interlock soleniod would not let shifter out of park until it
    It probably just doesn't let you take it out of gear without the brake on as
    you said, and it probably acts like the neutral safety switch - with it
    disconnected, you will probably now be able to start the car while in gear.
    BANDIT2941, Sep 17, 2003
  6. The only purpose for this solenoid is to prevent driver to shift
    transmission from park to any gear if brake not applied.
    You wont be able to start the car if not in neutral or park

    WRONG> with it disconnected, you will probably now be able to start the car
    while in gear. ????
    there is a switch who prevent that

    Robert Gagné, Sep 22, 2003
  7. Dan

    Bassgrl69 Guest

    so how do you unplug that thing? the same thing is happening to my 95 Saturn SC2.
    Bassgrl69, Jan 26, 2004
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