98 SL2 shakes when accelerating....?

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by APRead, Jul 15, 2004.

  1. APRead

    APRead Guest

    My 98 Saturn SL2 (74K miles) has recently started to slightly shake/jitter
    when I accelerate (usually only until 3500 RPMs). It's sort of hard to
    explain, but I would best describe the feeling as similiar to what it
    would feel like if the tires were slipping occassionally (although that is
    obviously not it). I know very little about cars, but my dad used to be
    an automechanic (70's). He has checked all the simple obvious things
    (along with engine compression), but isn't familiar enough with newer cars
    to investigate further. Any ideas would be appreciated.
    APRead, Jul 15, 2004
  2. APRead

    Napalm Heart Guest

    Bad tires, bent rim, wheel/tire assembly not balanced, bad bearing,
    are a few possibilities.

    Napalm Heart, Jul 15, 2004
  3. APRead

    KenM Guest

    mine is doing the same thing. with our other car, it was the fuel filter.
    anyone know where it is?
    KenM, Jul 15, 2004
  4. APRead

    Bob Shuman Guest

    Driver's side. Down low on the firewall.
    Bob Shuman, Jul 15, 2004
  5. APRead

    Blah blah Guest

    The words "when I accelerate" would eliminate the tire.
    Fuel delivery, spark, motor mounts, or transmission would be more
    Blah blah, Jul 15, 2004
  6. Mine would have this hesitation at low rpoms, like the motor didn't have
    any pep, and then 'kick in' as slightly higher RPMs. You could feel it.

    New sparkplug cables fixed it.
    Philip Nasadowski, Jul 15, 2004
  7. APRead

    Dan Duncan Guest

    It depends on what he means by that. If it happens at a certain
    speed, and depending on where/how he drives, then he might
    only experience the condition when he transitions through
    that speed when going from a lower speed to a higher speed.
    (IE, when he accelerates) If a problem happened to me at 55mph,
    I would only experience it when accelerating because I don't
    normally drive on 55mph roads. I drive on slower roads or
    on the interstate (75mph limit) so I only hit 55 when accelerating.
    I never actually sit at that speed.
    Definite possibilities. He should rev the engine through 3500 rpm
    in park or neutral to see if it might be motor mounts or spark.

    Dan Duncan, Jul 16, 2004
  8. APRead

    Napalm Heart Guest

    Not if the problem is from belts breaking. The symptoms can be very

    Napalm Heart, Jul 16, 2004
  9. APRead

    Blah Blah Guest

    That can be eliminated or moved by a tire rotation. If its felt in the
    steering wheel its likely the front tire(s). If its felt only in the
    seat its most likely the rear tire(s). Simple diagnosis to make.
    Blah Blah, Jul 17, 2004
  10. APRead

    Zaphod Guest

    The words "when I accelerate" would eliminate the tire.
    No, years ago when I had a jeep I would get some serious shaking due to a
    tire being off balance. The shaking only occured with in a certain range,
    any speed below or above that range and I would be fine.

    Zaphod, Jul 18, 2004
  11. APRead

    Blah Blah Guest

    No, years ago when I had a jeep I would get some serious shaking due to a
    tire being off balance. The shaking only occured with in a certain range,
    any speed below or above that range and I would be fine.


    Dammit people. Like the post said during an "acceleration" it shakes.
    NOT SPEED RELATED! The clue is that it shakes under "LOAD". If it shook
    at a given speed or increased shaking with increased speed I would say
    yes its the tire but he said at about 3500 RPM it shakes. And as I also
    said in another post that can be ruled out or narrowed down by a tire
    Blah Blah, Jul 18, 2004
  12. APRead

    Napalm Heart Guest

    Dammit people. Like the post said during an "acceleration" it shakes.
    NOT SPEED RELATED! The clue is that it shakes under "LOAD". If it shook
    at a given speed or increased shaking with increased speed I would say
    yes its the tire but he said at about 3500 RPM it shakes. And as I also
    said in another post that can be ruled out or narrowed down by a tire

    Extra strong coffee this morning? ;+)
    Napalm Heart, Jul 19, 2004
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