98 SL1 Stalling

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by johnroach22, Feb 24, 2006.

  1. johnroach22

    johnroach22 Guest

    My SL1 started to stall when it idled. It has 160k miles and I put a
    new engine in it last year. I changed the spark plugs and wires first
    and that made it a little better but it still would drop to about 400
    RPM or die when I came to a stop. I changed the oil just because I was
    there and it was about time. I changed the PVC valve and air filter,
    too. It still was having problems. The guy at the auto parts store
    suggested I try the MAP sensor. This worked for about two weeks but
    now its doing the same thing. I noticed that there was a black oily
    substance on the MAP gasket. I cleaned around the area a little but it
    was late so I didn't get it very good. So my question is, can a dirty
    air intake ruin a MAP sensor? Would it do this in a couple of weeks?

    I have been reading different posts and I am going to clean the air
    intake and the throttle body tomorrow. Does anyone think that I should
    change the MAP sensor again?

    Just FYI, there are no codes showing on the computer and the car runs
    fine when it is not in idle.


    johnroach22, Feb 24, 2006
  2. johnroach22

    Lane Guest

    PLEASE don't buy parts based on guesses. Stop by any Autozone and they can
    read any stored codes from the PCM for you for no charge. Or, take the car
    to your local Saturn dealer and have them do a diagnostic. It pays for
    itself if it prevents you from buying one part you don't need.

    Lane [ lane (at) evilplastic.com ]
    Lane, Feb 24, 2006
  3. johnroach22

    localyocal Guest

    the engine coolant temp. sensor, when faulty,can make your fuel injection
    all screwed up. God I hope SL1's are fuel injection! It cost 10.00 bucks
    be careful not to overtighten, its brass threaded (I did).and if its time
    for a fuel filter, do not hesitate to change it.Good luck
    localyocal, Feb 25, 2006
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