Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by ds549, Oct 24, 2006.

  1. ds549

    ds549 Guest

    clutch replaced ,clutch master and slave replaced.clutch wont release
    enough to put in gear. 50 short pumps will get it working till next day.
    bled properly. any help appreciated.

    ds549, Oct 24, 2006
  2. ds549

    rick.k1mu Guest

    Bled? You don't bleed the S-Series clutch system. You generally replace
    the system as a unit; the new units are pre-bled.
    rick.k1mu, Oct 26, 2006
  3. ds549

    ds549 Guest

    got it working,took the clutch slave cyl off and let it hang down as low
    as i could overnight , reinstalled and it works the clutch perfect. all
    i can figure is the air worked its way up and out the master cyl.
    btw,there was a bleeder valve on the slave cyl. but i couldnt get all
    the air out by bleeding like a brake line.. lucas

    ds549, Oct 29, 2006
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