97 SL1 Manual Trans

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by reh, Jun 10, 2006.

  1. reh

    reh Guest


    I have a 97 SL1, manual, with 220K+ miles. Original everything except
    cruise and brakes and typical tune-up items.

    Problem: Very difficult to get into 1st gear at standstill. A little
    difficult from 1st into 2nd - you have to be patient and it will slowly go
    into 2nd. If you try too quickly the gears will grind going into 2nd. The
    other gears work fine. When cold, sometimes the clutch dosen't fully release
    and drags.

    Question: Do you think the shifting problem is due to needing a new clutch
    or do you think I need to replace the trans too? Or would I be financially
    better off to send her to the auto-grave yard? Would hate to part with her
    after nearly 10 years... been like a sturdy woman.
    reh, Jun 10, 2006
  2. reh

    Roy Guest

    Easiest to check is fluid levels. I read on here a while back that if your
    clutch fluid gets low you will experience harder shifting in lower gears.
    There may be another cause and if anyone has ideas let me know too because I
    replaced my trans a few months ago and I still have moments when it is
    difficult to shift. Not as bad as it was with my old trans but still a
    little annoying when setting at a light.
    Roy, Jun 10, 2006
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