97 SC2 water leak damage

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by gbutzlaff, Mar 15, 2007.

  1. gbutzlaff

    gbutzlaff Guest

    I am looking at a '97 SC2 that has a heavily stained headliner. The
    sunroof is currently in a non-working condition. It seems to be the
    entire headliner too, like it has done this for a while. I have seen
    references to sunroof water leaks, and wonder if this consistent with
    what others have seen regarding leaky sunroofs. I wouldn't be opposed
    to sealing off the entire unit, if I knew that the sunroof was only
    leaking through the area around the glass. I would appreciate hearing
    from anyone that has experience with this problem.
    gbutzlaff, Mar 15, 2007
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