97 SC2 needs full throttle to start

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by ezekiell, Jan 7, 2007.

  1. ezekiell

    ezekiell Guest

    I have a 97 Saturn SC2. After running the car, if you shut it off and try
    to start it again within 10 minutes, it will not start unless I floor the
    gas pedal? It starts fine if its cold. Also, the temp gauge is always
    pointing to halfway. Is this due to a sensor?
    Are these two problems related and what can I do to solve both?
    ezekiell, Jan 7, 2007
  2. ezekiell

    Bob Shuman Guest

    Sounds like the coolant temperature sensor needs to be replaced. This is a
    5 minute job and a $10 part at any auto parts store.

    Bob Shuman, Jan 7, 2007
  3. ezekiell

    Mike Swift Guest

    The centered needle is an error indicator from the engine control
    computer that indicates that the thermal sensor circuit is open,
    indicates temp <-40ºC, or shorted, indicates temp >150ºC. The two most
    common causes of this are a defective sensor, about $15, or defective
    connector for the sensor, $30, and only available from Saturn. If you
    have an ohm meter you can check the sensor while it is still in the
    head. You have to good eyes, and a steady hand to get the probes on the
    two tiny pins. It should read somewhere in the 3000-6000 ohm range at

    I don't know if it is related to the sensor, but can't think of how it
    could be.


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    corporations do not pay taxes. One of our governments conditions for their
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    the government.
    Mike Swift
    Mike Swift, Feb 13, 2007
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