I recently found out that there is a leak somewhere in the back end of my 97 SC2. I bought the car new about 6 and a half years ago, but since I've never had a flat tire I've had no reason to check the spare lately. In preparation for an upcoming trip I thought I'd play it safe and make sure the spare was properly inflated and was surprised to find a large puddle of water in the bottom of the wheel well. (It has been a pretty wet spring and summer in the northeast, but I didn't think it was that bad.) I don't know how long this has been going on, but it was long enough that the jack was very rusty, but still usable. I have two questions, has anyone else had this problem or does anyone have an idea where the leak could be coming from? And secondly, would the easiest way to take care of this be to find the lowest spot in the wheel well and drill a small hole so that any water that makes it's way down there runs right out? Thanks Scott