97 Saturn SL2 Transmission Probelm

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by CW, Mar 8, 2006.

  1. CW

    CW Guest


    Sorry if this is already in the archives, but I didn't find my exact
    issue. I have a 1997 Saturn SL2 with 265,000 miles (great car!),
    automatic transmission.

    The transmission has made a clanking/banging sound when changing gears
    for a couple of years now. In the past week, when I go into reverse
    the car starts to roll forward a bit. It takes awhile for it to go
    into reverse properly.

    Any ideas on what this could be and how much it will cost to fix?

    CW, Mar 8, 2006
  2. CW

    blah blah Guest

    This should have what you're looking for.
    blah blah, Mar 9, 2006
  3. CW

    scrapir Guest

    I wouldn't waste your time or money trying to flush it out. If there is
    crap in the vavle body something is broke or going to be break soon.
    Flushing it out might work for a week or two but the longer you wait to
    get it fixed the more it will cost. Having broken parts float around in
    your transimission will only lead to breaking other parts that maybe good.
    scrapir, Mar 18, 2006
  4. CW

    kmil Guest

    exacuse me
    sand moav six airba
    kmil, Mar 18, 2006
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