97 Saturn SL Drum Brake Question

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by rufus, Sep 3, 2004.

  1. rufus

    rufus Guest

    I measured the thickness of the bonded brake material on the rear drum
    brakes and it was 1/8".

    What is the thickness of the brake material on new brake shoes?

    Are my brakes 1/2 worn? 3/4 worn? shot? ...
    rufus, Sep 3, 2004
  2. rufus

    Bob Shuman Guest

    I don't know the original thickness, but generally use the rule of thumb
    that when the braking material is down to the thickness of the backing plate
    it is time to replace them. At 1/8" I think you are there now .

    Bob Shuman, Sep 3, 2004
  3. rufus

    Kirk Kohnen Guest

    According to www.alldatadiy.com (pay service, but well worth the $ in my

    The thickness of the new brakes is 0.16"

    The thickness at which the brakes should be discarded is 0.04"

    You measure 0.125"

    You have consumed 0.035" of brake material, and the total amount of brake
    material that can be consumed before the brakes need to be replaced is 0.12"

    You've used up 0.035/0.120, or 29% of the life of the brakes.

    If I were you, I'd put them back and check them again when you've doubled
    (or tripled) the mileage of your car.
    Kirk Kohnen, Sep 3, 2004
  4. rufus

    rufus Guest

    Thanks Kirk,

    Prior to reading your message, I got new brakes from Advance Auto Parts,
    compared the thickness with the new ones and noticed that there was little
    wear, so I returned them. Note: car has 126,000 miles - still has original
    rear brakes. Looks like I may be able to get 300,000 miles on them (Mostly
    highway driving).
    rufus, Sep 3, 2004
  5. rufus

    Matt hotmail Guest

    Most rear brakes don't wear that much as long as you drive with the
    emergency brake down. Especially in a saturn with highway driving.
    Matt hotmail, Sep 9, 2004
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