96sl2 starting problems

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by drp1916, Jun 6, 2005.

  1. drp1916

    drp1916 Guest


    I am hoping someone can help me regarding my problem. My 96sl2 will on
    occasion, seems usually when it is hot, refuse to start. The symptoms
    at first appear to be a dead battery, with the typical "click click"
    instead of the engine turning over. The battery is new and I have
    removed the starter to see if it would work and sure enough it turns
    over fine. Additionally I have checked voltage to the starter and that
    is fine. My other thought might be the ignition switch???

    Does anyone have any ideas

    drp1916, Jun 6, 2005
  2. drp1916

    Bob Shuman Guest

    Some other ideas: dirty contacts on battery posts or on the starter, bad
    cable between battery and starter, defective Ignition key switch, bad
    starter relay, or bad/worn solenoid contacts. I'd say the first or last in
    the list are likely base on your description. Good luck.

    Bob Shuman, Jun 7, 2005
  3. drp1916

    bluerooster Guest


    Interesting input! All contacts are clean as a whistle. You mention a
    "starter relay". Do you have any idea where this is located and how it
    can be replaced??

    My next guess was the ignition key switch. Has anyone ever replaced
    one of these? Is it a do it yourself job or something more

    Thanks again

    bluerooster, Jun 7, 2005
  4. Hello my money is on the starter motor brushes inside the motor mine went
    bad i took it apart and they fell apart nothing left of them, you have a
    good battery and starter is clicking right ? if so its not the ignition
    justastreekin, Jun 7, 2005
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