96 SL2 won't start

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by Simon Song, Apr 12, 2004.

  1. Simon Song

    Simon Song Guest

    My SL2 has 75k mileage on it, and we replaced the generator/battery
    like 2.5 years ago.

    Today, it won't start at all, after it is idle in the parking lot for
    2 weeks.

    I tried to jumpstart it from a Camry, but it didn't work at all. The
    lights weren't be on, and car failed to get started.

    So this is a dead battery issue or even worse? Any advice? I
    definitely will have it towed to a mechanic place by AAA later. Just
    want to have some ideas of the issue...

    Simon Song, Apr 12, 2004
  2. My 97 did that one afternoon at work - even AAA had a hard time jumping it
    and when I got home it would not restart. I put a new battery in and it's
    fine (knock on wood)...

    I'm on my 3rd batt and 3rd alt with 88k miles.
    Jonnie Santos, Apr 13, 2004
  3. ouch ... is there some kind of voltage regulator as a seperate component
    from the alternator which could be damaging the alternator and in turn
    the battery by providing too much or too little juice? I know that big
    electrical turbines can be damaged by too much/too little electricity,
    and it seems like the same principle would apply on a smaller scale. (I
    would answer my own question if I could figure out where my dog put my
    Haynes manual...)

    richard hornsby, Apr 13, 2004
  4. I don't know about the volt reg - and I do seem to be hard on vehicles
    too. I usually run the AC, I live in a warm/hot climate and I think the
    alt's placement on my Saturn is a poor choice. I noticed SPS was selling a
    higher output alternator which sounds like it would run with a smaller load
    and maybe run cooler.

    I have had better luck with electrical components with my old Isuzu pickup.
    Jonnie Santos, Apr 13, 2004
  5. Simon Song

    Simon Song Guest

    Well, I am clumsy and just failed to jumpstart the car(it is the first
    time, I tried to jumpstart it by myself). My neighbour lent a hand to
    jumpstart it in the right way(I put the negative on the wrong part).

    So the car is running, and I am leaving it run idle for 30 mins.

    And I think I will go Autozone, and have them check the battery.
    Maybe, it is time to replace the battery? The current one is bein used
    for nearly 3 years now, and I live in Northern CA the weather is hot.

    Any other tips for battery/alternator maintenance? Heard someone
    mentioned about fluid level in battery is also key...
    Simon Song, Apr 13, 2004
  6. Simon Song

    M. Butkus Guest

    Batteries should last 4 -5 years. Non use and a small drain (alarm or
    flashing light) can drain it after a week.

    Depening on the amount of time you want to keep it.... a Sears or Walmart
    battery will do you for $50.
    M. Butkus, Apr 14, 2004
  7. Simon Song

    Speez Guest

    Even though a battery should last 3 or 4 years, you could still develop a
    "dead cell". It's like a defect in the battery. This would cause some

    Speez, Apr 14, 2004
  8. Simon Song

    Simon Song Guest

    Went to AutoZone and the battery was found bad, so replaced it with
    their 2nd best battery with 2 yrs free replacement and 7 yrs warranty.

    Also tested generator, it was good.

    Autozone service is good, very nice person there (helped me replace
    the battery).
    Simon Song, Apr 15, 2004
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