96 SL1 Codes?

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by Brian Morgan, Jan 6, 2004.

  1. Brian Morgan

    Brian Morgan Guest

    Hi -
    We have a 96 SL1, and the check engine light came on. It seems to run
    fine, and the gas cap is tight (and no recent fill-up). Is there a way to
    read the engine codes without an OBD scanner?
    Thanks -
    Brian Morgan, Jan 6, 2004
  2. I believe 96 and newer uses OBD-II and you need something that plugs into
    the car (probably a scanner) - on the older OBD-I there was a trick with a
    paperclip (short two pins on the diagnostic plug) and your check engine
    light would flash a certain amount of times that would correspond to a chart
    of problem codes...

    Maybe check www.saturnfans.com if you had a couple of minutes.
    Jonnie Santos, Jan 7, 2004
  3. Brian Morgan

    uknewwho Guest

    Try taking it to your local autozone or car parts store or the dealership,
    they will usally read the codes for free. They maynot be able to tell you
    what the code means (car parts store that is, not the dealer, they should
    tell you), but you can then look it up on the net.
    uknewwho, Jan 7, 2004
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