'96 Sauturn SL1 Speedometer Erratic

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by smatt, Sep 28, 2003.

  1. smatt

    smatt Guest

    Have had very few problems with this vehicle. Recently, the speedometer has
    begun to act up. While driving, it will swing anywhere between 0 and Max.
    Sometimes it will read the correct speed only to begin bouncing all over the
    dial. Nothing seemed to precede this activity, just began acting up one
    day. Everything else appears to be working OK.

    Thanks, Matt
    smatt, Sep 28, 2003
  2. Mine (97sl2) did that with a bad battery - actually it bounced from 0 to
    about the speed I was traveling (75 mph or so)...
    Jonnie Santos, Sep 28, 2003
  3. Check your battery and alternator. Last time this happened to me, my
    alternator was undercharging (but the warning light never came on) and my
    battery began to drain. My speedometer was the first thing to go, followed
    in seconds by the other instruments, radio, and fan.
    Joseph Goodwin, Sep 28, 2003
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