'96 Saturn SL1 sluggish in warm weather?

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by murtman, Jun 7, 2006.

  1. murtman

    murtman Guest

    OK, here's the deal. I own an automatic transmission 1996 Saturn SL1
    with 116K miles on it. In the winter, it runs great, on a cold start
    (although I don't do this) I can floor it and it picks up great. Once
    summer comes around, the car is incredibly sluggish (no, I don't have
    the AC on) and when I use my automatic shifter from D to 2 or 3, you
    can shift the shifter, and nothing actually happens, at any speed I try
    it at. That makes me wonder if it's a trans problem. In the winter it
    works fine. In the summer, I can literally floor it and hardly move at
    all. This has happened all three summers that I have owned it. Anyone
    have ANY idea of why this is happening? Is this a trans problem?
    murtman, Jun 7, 2006
  2. murtman

    SnoMan Guest

    Try better gas, GM uses a knock control system on that engine that can
    retard spark a lot and realy kill performance to control knock before
    you hear it. (octane requirement increase with tempature and increase
    with age as deposits build up in combustion chamber and increase
    effective CR ratio. My duaghter has a 97 with 120 K and it runs a lot
    better on 89 or better in summer months.
    SnoMan, Jun 7, 2006

  3. Sounds like a complicated issue. In the summer times I had the worst
    performance with my 97SL2, but that usually involved with stalling,
    and rough starts. I changed all my wires and plugs, some improvement,
    the CTS, reall good improvement, but the rough starts were a real
    problem. I complained to my Saturn dealerships for 3 years before
    they found the problem, faulty fuel pump. They were so troubled by
    the fact that my sykmptoms never changed but it took several years to
    indifey it, they gave me a cost break on the replacement. Since then
    Summers have been a-ok.

    Moral of the story, take it to the dealer and let them check it out.
    Better than getting caught on the side of the road stalled.

    good luck,

    tom @ www.MedJobSite.com
    Tom The Great, Jun 7, 2006
  4. murtman

    p_vouers Guest

    I would be checking your transmission fluid level and even changing it
    and the filter to start with.. almost sound like the car is in 3rd gear
    when it is hot!!
    p_vouers, Jun 8, 2006
  5. I have a 1995 SL1 (140k miles )and had a similar problem last summer. The
    car would not shift into 4th gear (automatic). I took it to the dealer and
    they found I had a faulty temperature sensor! Who would have thought that
    would keep the car from shifting into a higher gear? It might be something
    you want to check out.
    Patrick Melberg, Jun 8, 2006
  6. murtman

    Bobbyp Guest

    I believe you mean the torque converter wouldn't lock up. The engine
    computer won't allow it to lock up until the engine reaches a certain
    temperture. I had a similar problem on my 92 SC.
    Bobbyp, Jun 9, 2006
  7. murtman

    Bobbyp Guest

    I believe you mean the torque converter wouldn't lock up. The engine
    computer won't allow it to lock up until the engine reaches a certain
    temperture. I had a similar problem on my 92 SC.
    Bobbyp, Jun 9, 2006
  8. murtman

    wavy Guest

    SEE... I've been preaching everywhere about the darn thing!
    To the PCM, the WORLD revolves around the temperature
    wavy, Jun 11, 2006
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