95 SW2 Wagon

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by Ray Kultgen, May 14, 2004.

  1. Ray Kultgen

    Ray Kultgen Guest


    First time posting here. I just bought a 95 Saturn SW2. I knew it had an
    engine problem before I bought it. I am prepared to change the engine; but,
    before I do I have a few questions about what typically goes wrong with
    these engines.

    First, Cylinder 4 has no compression. The engine looks great under the valve
    cover and my guess is that it was well maintained. Cams and chain also look
    great. So here is my real question, What is more common on these engines
    Burnt valves or actual piston / ring problem.

    I will probably pull the head this weekend. I'm just curious what typically


    Ray Kultgen, May 14, 2004
  2. Coked rings from what I've read...
    Jonnie Santos, May 14, 2004
  3. Ray Kultgen

    Blah blah Guest

    A jump in timing maybe.

    Blah blah, May 14, 2004
  4. Ray Kultgen

    Ray Kultgen Guest

    I pulled the head yesterday and No 4 cylinder is bad. Rings are visible from
    the top. Looks like maybe a bad episode of starting fluid.

    Cylinders 3,2, and 1 are looking bad also. The head may be OK; but, it was
    beat pretty bad from the pistons coming apart.

    I was surprised it ran the way it did. The engine is done. Looking for swap
    engine now. Possibly newer year if everything works out.

    How good are the 02 engines, big improvement or just newer?? I am
    considering the conversion.


    Ray Kultgen, May 16, 2004
  5. Ray Kultgen

    Oppie Guest

    I'd expect to see a burnt exhuast valve and seat. with any luck you can have
    the head rebuilt. If the cylinder wall is scored, you probably have a broken
    ring. Good luck with the tear-down.

    Oppie, May 19, 2004
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