'95 SL2 wipers stopped working...

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by Brigitte J., Feb 4, 2004.

  1. Brigitte J.

    Brigitte J. Guest

    I don't have the owner's manual for this car. Can someone please be kind
    enough to tell me where the fuse for the windshield wipers is located?

    Brigitte J., Feb 4, 2004
  2. I have a 97 and don't know.

    However both of my fuse/breaker boxes are labeled. One is on the passenger
    side of the console, and the other is under the hood next to the battery.

    Wait... let me dig out my Chilton's - okay, it's in the panel inside the
    car (assuming you're not talking about a wagon's rear wiper).
    Jonnie Santos, Feb 5, 2004
  3. Brigitte J.

    Brigitte J. Guest

    Nope, it's the windshield wipers. And that panel inside the car that you
    mention is on the passenger side console?

    Brigitte J., Feb 5, 2004
  4. Yes, go open the passenger door and look at the side of console next to the
    dash where it meets the floor and you'll see one of the panels pulls off
    (it's about the size of a 5 x 7 photo). If this is still doesn't make sense
    let me know and I'll go snap a pic to share...
    Jonnie Santos, Feb 5, 2004
  5. Brigitte J.

    Brigitte J. Guest

    Thanks Jonnie,
    I appreciate your detailed description, especially because of the weather
    here. I don't want to have to spend a lot of time looking for the fuse box.

    If it EVER stops snowing here, I'll run out and take a look...

    Brigitte J., Feb 5, 2004
  6. Brigitte J.

    Skid Guest

    I can't say for sure, but there are two places to look, a little black box
    by your battery, and by the left leg of the passenger's side, there is a
    little compartment. Wherever the fuse is, it should be marked.
    Skid, Feb 5, 2004
  7. Brigitte J.

    jeff Guest

    might not be a fuse,check to see if there is any resistance when you move
    them by hand(with wiper switch and car turned off).
    if not then there is a clip inside the cowl that has broken.
    1/2hr labour and about $8.00 can for the part at the saturn dealer.
    jeff, Feb 7, 2004
  8. Brigitte J.

    Brigitte J. Guest

    Thanks Jeff, I haven't investigated the problem any further. Fortunately
    the car is an "extra" car, I haven't had to go out into the 2' of snow to
    deal with it. But when it's warmer, I will check it out.

    Thanks again,
    Brigitte J., Feb 8, 2004
  9. Snow? ...okay Brigitte, guess I won't mention blue skies and 70 degrees at
    9:30 AM on a Sunday morning with birds chirping outside. (wink)
    Jonnie Santos, Feb 8, 2004
  10. Brigitte J.

    Brigitte J. Guest

    I don't miss that weather. I lived in southern California all my life. I
    moved to Nebraska 3 years ago and I prefer the snow over the crowds and road
    rage. Besides, having 4 distinct seasons is nice.

    Brigitte J., Feb 8, 2004
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