95 SL2 Starter??

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by Shep, May 26, 2006.

  1. Shep

    Shep Guest

    The starter went on my 95 SL2. On replacement this will be the third starter
    I put on the car, that makes 4 starters including the original.
    Is the starter a common problem?
    If so, is there particular years/makes that have the problem?
    Shep, May 26, 2006
  2. Shep

    Lane Guest

    Is the starter a common problem?


    I've got a 1994 SC2 w/ 142k and a 1992 SC w/ 140k - both on original

    Lane [ lane (at) evilplastic.com ]
    Lane, May 26, 2006
  3. Shep

    Bobbyp Guest

    The starter on my 92 SC was still working strong at 185k. I traded it
    in 3 weeks ago for a black 06 VUE Redline.

    After 14 years of faithful service I felt like I was losing a member of
    the family. I did replace several alternators and batteries in the 14
    years I owned the SC.

    Bobbyp, May 27, 2006
  4. I have had a 96 SL2(earlest I had), so I can only guess, but I've
    never heard about a starter problem.

    However, I've heard reguardless of make or model, how you start the
    car, can really degrade your starters life. My wifey would crank for
    a long time one of her cars(it seemed to have a few false starts now
    and then) and it became a habit to replace her car's starter every few

    Do you think you crank too long? Is the car differcult to start? My
    97SL2 had a faulty fuel pump for years, causing it to fail to start
    till a second/third crank. So we were wearing the starter out, 2-3
    times faster than it should be.


    tom @ www.FreelancingProjects.com
    Tom The Great, May 28, 2006
  5. Shep

    Linda Guest

    Very unusual, I have a 94 SW2 at 165K which I bought new and still the
    same starter, with the replacement motor too! Give the folks at 6th
    Planet Auto a call they sell used Saturn parts and I got my motor &
    trans there they are the best for Saturn.
    http://www.6thplanetusedparts.com/ 1 (863) 494-9806
    They are in Florida.
    Good Luck,
    Linda, May 31, 2006
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