95 SL2 idling rough #2 cyl missing but firing

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by Born2Ride59, Dec 18, 2004.

  1. Born2Ride59

    Born2Ride59 Guest

    I have a sohc engine and the car is idling rough and sounds like a miss at
    the tailpipe and running rich. All the plugs are firing. When pulling the
    plug wires off one at a time you see a noticeable difference except at the
    number 2 cylinder you don't and there is a fast ticking sound coming from
    the injector at that cylinder and not at the other injectors. The engine
    does smooth out at higher rpm's can anyone help? Thanks and a Happy
    Holiday to all!!
    Born2Ride59, Dec 18, 2004
  2. Born2Ride59

    Born2Ride59 Guest

    I pulled the plug at the #2 cyl and was fouled and wet. changed the plug
    and made no difference. Other plugs were fine. HELP!!
    Born2Ride59, Dec 18, 2004
  3. Born2Ride59

    Born2Ride59 Guest

    I pulled the plug at the #2 cyl and was fouled and wet. changed the plug
    and made no difference. Other plugs were fine. HELP!!
    Born2Ride59, Dec 18, 2004
  4. Born2Ride59

    D V Brownell Guest

    My guess is the injector is leaking or stuck open. Happened on my 95 SW2,
    same symptoms. I'd be careful raw gas getting to the cat can cause it to
    overheat and start a fire.
    D V Brownell, Dec 19, 2004
  5. Either an injector's stuck or the plug's not firing. Check for spark.
    If there's none, try swapping the coils on the ig module and seeing if
    the problem moved. If it did'nt move - bad module. If it did - bad
    Philip Nasadowski, Dec 22, 2004
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