well, i have made a couple posts about my 95 sl2 automaic trans problems, thought i would make one more i would say after changing the bad origanal trans for a junkyard trans myself, i'd say that it was a pretty big job for a diy-er i have some automotive background, but boy did changing that trans s*ck, i spent the better part of two days on it and had to get a little help on getting the engine/trans in and out. on the second test drive i started having problems. i found out it was just a connector that wasnt on all the way, on the alternator of all things. the junkyard trans works, it bangs into 4th pretty hard under light load, shifts ok under normal load, and i still have a check engine light to deal with (probably another loose connector). i guess i would have to say i dont reccomend doing a trans change in your garage on the weekend. i think i would have rather paid the local shop rates. ymmv thanks, DaveV