95 sc2 saturn Trans shifting hard

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by pachita, Aug 21, 2005.

  1. pachita

    pachita Guest

    95 sc2 has been shifting hard in 2nd, now spreading to other gears, only
    has 52,000 miles on it, replaced fluid religiously! Help
    pachita, Aug 21, 2005
  2. pachita

    NapalmHeart Guest

    Automatic or stick?
    NapalmHeart, Aug 21, 2005
  3. pachita

    Bob Shuman Guest

    Sounds like an automatic since they are changing fluid religiously, but you
    are correct in that the OP should have been more clear if they want a
    meaningful reply. If it is an automatic, then try the reverse slam fix at
    the Saturn Forum:


    This is cheap and pretty easy to do. Also make sure all the grounds and
    battery are good since the computer controls all shift points. The last
    thing to check are the shift solenoids. I posted a procedure here about 6
    or more months back. Check the Google archive. Good luck.

    Bob Shuman, Aug 22, 2005
  4. pachita

    pachita Guest

    It is an automatic!
    pachita, Aug 22, 2005
  5. pachita

    pachita Guest

    Bob, I have read numerous replies that you have posted and have read and
    actually done the reverse slam as of last night,,,so far so good,, but i
    do have questions about it,,,does that work with any transmission or just
    saturns...i have 89 buick century kinda shifts hard also...would that help
    that....possibly...oh and with the reverse slam,,so you empty out the fluid
    that you did the reverse slam with to get rid of the crud???
    pachita, Aug 22, 2005
  6. pachita

    Bob Shuman Guest

    I have no idea if it works with other vehicles or not. I'd suggest you
    contact the original poster (Wolfman). As I understand it, using fresh
    fluid, filter and a trans additive and then getting the trans fluid
    extremely hot by using the reverse gear causes the debris and gunk in the
    trans valve body to become dislodged and then trapped in the filter and/or
    drained out the drain plug opening. I believe the Saturn used an
    electronically actuated, computer controlled solenoid valve body. I believe
    the TAAT was unique to the Saturn. I have no other GM vehicles so can't
    comment on if the same principle or similar design was used in other models
    or if this would be helpful.

    I'd suggest looking on Google for GM forums to ask there or do more

    Bob Shuman, Aug 23, 2005
  7. pachita

    NapalmHeart Guest

    Google this group for "Valve body"
    NapalmHeart, Aug 23, 2005
  8. pachita

    blah blah Guest

    Every transmission GM has built for the last decade or so has used
    solenoids. One thing that stands out on the TAAT from the rest of GM's
    transmissions and everyone elses that I know of is that the TAAT has the
    easiest valve body to access. However since the excess fluid from the VB
    doesnt drain straight off into a pan it might be a reason it gets
    crudded up. I cant say for sure though. I think heart surgery is often
    less complex.
    blah blah, Aug 23, 2005
  9. pachita

    pachita Guest

    Thanks Bob,, appreciate your comments and appreciate you giving your time
    to help other folks with problems...
    pachita, Aug 25, 2005
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