95 SC Chain Busted...Ripoff Mechanic?

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by lieshaslater, Sep 2, 2005.

  1. lieshaslater

    lieshaslater Guest

    My stepdad was driving the car, timing chain busted...towed to

    First they quoted $450 for timing chain and labor, then they
    immediately offered to buy it for $300.

    We declined the offer and wanted the car fixed.

    The next call was to say that they did the work, THEN found the valves
    bent and engine is toast. They said it needs a new engine. They
    offered again to buy it, this time for $200. And they want $150 for
    labor on the timing chain, meaning I walk with 50 bucks and no car...

    Question is...Isn't it a given that the valves were most likely
    damaged? and is it negligent of them to assume they weren't and do the
    work on the timing chain?

    Sounds like they wanted the car from the beginning and this is how they
    went about it. What do you guys think I should do???? The car is
    still at the shop.

    lieshaslater, Sep 2, 2005
  2. lieshaslater

    Bob Shuman Guest

    I believe the Saturn is an interference design. (Many timing chain driven
    engines are interference design due to fact that chains are generally more
    reliable and last longer if properly maintained than belts.) This means
    that if the timing chain breaks that it is quite possible (highly probable)
    that the pistons and valves could collide causing the type of damage you
    have seen in your vehicle. Have they taken off the head and looked at the
    valves yet? Did they also check the pistons too? (I'd hate to think they
    will hit you up for a cracked piston after they get the head off, but this
    too is possible.)

    As to whether they could have know for certain that a valve had been bent in
    advance, the answer is in my opinion is "no", although they should have
    certainly communicated this was highly likely due to the design of the

    As to their offer of less now, I guess they are simply telling you that the
    property is worth less now that they know the situation. Seems they offered
    more before and assumed that risk. Without knowing more on the real
    condition, mileage, etc. it is hard to judge if they are trying to take
    advantage of you or not. If you think the vehicle is worth more than the
    repair estimate, then you should get it fixed. If not, then walk away. You
    also can always have the car towed to another shop, but now that one shop
    has already begun the work with the timing chain, you will not likely find
    one that would take the work for less and still guarantee the work/outcome.

    This is pretty much just a bad situation al around. Only you know if they
    are trying to take advantage of you here. If you suspect that is the case,
    call around, find out if they should have known the valves were bent and
    get some estimates.

    Good luck!

    Bob Shuman, Sep 2, 2005
  3. lieshaslater

    blah blah Guest

    It is an interference design. Something that you must remember about
    1.9L engines is the oil must never be allowed to sludge up.

    Two Reasons
    -The timing chain tensioner works like a ratchet and moves to tighten
    the chain over time with oil pressure. If it it gets stuck the chain
    will get loose.
    -A small hole oils the chain. This hole can get clogged up and the chain
    will starve for oil and wear out.

    Depending on how you drive and what kind of oil you use you shouldn't go
    more than 4000 miles between changes.

    As to what the value of your car is we dont know. This thing could be a
    high mileage rust bucket. As for the valves, sometimes they oddly manage
    to survive and sometimes the engine flat out grenades. I dont understand
    though why you are saying you were quoted $450 for timing chain work
    then they said it needed a new engine then $150 for a timing chain work
    again. Are they offering to work on a blown up engine for 150 bucks now
    that wont do you any good? If the engine is good then 150 bucks to get
    it going again is a deal. Sounds like they did want the car though.
    blah blah, Sep 3, 2005
  4. lieshaslater

    lieshaslater Guest

    blah blah wrote:
    I dont understand
    The $150 they said that I owed was for the parts, and they would eat
    the labor ($300) if I sold them the car.

    The Saturn dealership told me that anyone who calls themself a mechanic
    would never go ahead with timing chain repair on an interference motor
    without informing the customer of the likelyhood of severe engine

    They didn't say anything of the sort, it was either because they are
    ignorant, or were trying to rip me off, knowing that since I declined
    to sell it to them, once they did the chain they could hit me with the
    "blown motor" bit and get the car anyway. I snuck into the lot on
    sunday and popped the hood to see if they even did the work on the
    chain, and they did have the head off. I just can't believe that they
    would do that work without first assuming that greater damage was
    likely to have happened.
    lieshaslater, Sep 10, 2005
  5. lieshaslater

    blah blah Guest

    They probably didnt have a clue. They may qualify as mechanics but they
    certainly do not qualify as technicians.
    I take it they didnt even bother to tape off the exposed internal parts
    when they parked it in that dusty lot? The work is priced fairly cheap
    as far as I know but there are reasons why. Usually people are good at
    working on certain makes and models or certain jobs from experiance and
    dont have a clue when something else comes along. I'm probably most
    knowledgeable with GM's 3800's. However stick a Honda 6 banger infront
    of me and I'm likely to take a sledge hammer to the cluster fucked SOB.
    blah blah, Sep 11, 2005
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