95 Saturn SL1 question

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by Brian, Jan 19, 2007.

  1. Brian

    Brian Guest

    Got a 95 SL1 - 1.9 SOHC. My problem is when you rev it up the rpm's float down. This is especially
    annoying when driving because when you shift (5 speed), if you don't let the rpm's drop before
    letting the clutch out between gears the car lunges forward. There's no engine light and the engine
    runs good other than this little problem. I've checked the cable and linkage and they move freely.
    Any idea's ???? EGR valve ???? Vacuum leak ????



    Kill filters - The Enema Of The Usenet !!!!!
    Brian, Jan 19, 2007
  2. Brian

    Lane Guest

    Get the codes read and verify that there are none stored. Autozone stores
    will do it for no charge.

    Lane [ lane (at) evilplastic.com ]
    Lane, Jan 19, 2007
  3. Brian

    davemac Guest

    I have the EXACT same problem at the moment on a 94 SL1. It only does
    it after the car reaches a certain temperature (closed loop I assume).
    I have checked for vacuum leaks on the EGR, EVAP and brake booster
    circuits and cannot detect any, although a leak can show up at higher
    temperatures too.

    Things that it may be:

    1. EGR bleed hole is clogged up causing the EGR to close too slowly
    when throttle is closed. Only way to check this is to disable the EGR
    and drive it to see what the RPMs do. It could also be that the EGR
    valve does not fully close due to carbon buildup or the EGR switch (if
    vacuum type) is sticky as well. If you are going to test it, best
    thing to do is disable it, and tap it so that its valve seats well.

    2. IAC valve is not closing fast enough and is sticky. The IAC is used
    to reduce emissions by preventing a fast throttle close condition in
    order to burn off residual vapors still in the intake. As well, it
    helps to prevent the RPMs dropping too fast to aid in smoother

    3. Vacuum leaks. This one is something I think would normally show up
    with a rough idle. My car idles very well, so I think this is low on
    my probability list.

    4. deposits in the throttle body. Again, mine is super clean, so not
    for me.

    It will be interesting to see if one of us can solve this though,
    because I can't find a solution from the dsaturn discussion forums at

    dave mc
    davemac, Jan 19, 2007
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