95 Saturn overheat question

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Shawn, Jul 15, 2005.

  1. Shawn

    Shawn Guest

    I let my Saturns temp guage go up to three quarters to see if the fan would
    cut in. It took a while, but it did. I shut off the car before it was
    finished cooling down. When I got out, there was coolant all over the

    I opened the hood, it it looks like it came from up around the reservoir.
    What caused this, and is this normal?
    Shawn, Jul 15, 2005
  2. Shawn

    Bob Shuman Guest

    This depends on what transpired prior to the procedure you described. If
    you just topped off the coolant in the reservoir tank to the top, then, yes,
    what you describe is absolutely normal and to be expected. If you did not
    add any coolant, then you may have a problem.

    As the coolant heats up, it expands, and at a certain pressure, is forced
    into the overflow reservoir. This is its primary purpose. As such, there
    are usually two lines on the tank: one that says "full cold" and another
    that says "full hot". When cold, do not overfill past the lower mark to
    give room for expansion.

    If there is a problem, I'd try replacing the thermostat first. You may also
    want to buy a good radiator cleaner and run that through as well following
    all instructions, including the final rinse cycle with fresh water.

    Good luck. It sounds like the sensors and fan are operating properly,

    Bob Shuman, Jul 15, 2005
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