95 LS2 engine noise

Discussion in 'Saturn L-series' started by jnb, Nov 23, 2003.

  1. jnb

    jnb Guest

    Hi all.

    Just found the group and am inquiring for a friend. He has recently had his
    engine rebuilt. When he got it back from the shop, it had, and still does, a
    lot of top end noise. At first we thought it might be the valve/rocker
    clearance was not set right but being a DOHC, there isn't any clearance
    there. We also didn't have the means to pull the engine so we couldn't check
    to make sure everything was torqued right. After a closer listen to the
    engine, it soulds like it could be a connecting rod. It sounds like a loud
    tapping noise. Any suggestions? Any info. would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance,
    jnb, Nov 23, 2003
  2. jnb

    Steve Guest

    Hi, Brad,
    Not that I'm anything resembling an expert, but I've heard that symptom
    described in association with a timing chain problem.
    Good luck!
    Steve, Nov 24, 2003
  3. jnb

    BANDIT2941 Guest

    Just found the group and am inquiring for a friend. He has recently had his
    Just to rule other things out, you might try pulling the accessory belt,
    starting the engine and listening to see if the sound is still there.
    BANDIT2941, Nov 25, 2003
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