Hi guys, It is summer, and my car is overheating :( Just the other day I noticed that fluid was comming out of the cap. I checked it, and it seems it is broken. I looked into the resevoir and some broken pieces and a spring are laying in the bottom. Okay so I know that has to be replaced today. But I am concerned that it is not the main source of the problem. For a while now, my saturn has always started to overheat when driving stop and go or just idling at a red light or drive thru. However when I drive at highwayspeeds the temp guage will typically be less than a quater hot. What does that mean? Again when I speed down to stop and go, the temperature will then begin to rise. Luckily the fan always engages and brings the temp down to a bout just little over a quater on the cold side. Is it the radiator? If so do I have to replace it? is the thermostate, coolant sensor? or what? How do I diagnose this? Thanks, -Manuel