94 SL1 wannabesubmarine in Key West has a couple problems

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by metoo, Oct 28, 2005.

  1. metoo

    metoo Guest

    My 94 Saturn took sea water over the floorboards but not up to engine.
    about 5 inches on rear carpet and 2 inches over front floor carpet.
    cleaned out within an hour with multiple fresh water soaks and drains
    (Hand dumping with a cup(thought I was on a sailboat with a leak))
    Also rinsed engine compartment and undercarriage a few times.
    Now the speedo doesn't work It did once after the first day but it is
    out again now.
    The odometer hasn't worked in a year I know about the gear just havn't
    fixed it.
    The check engine light comes on after about 5 minutes of driving and
    stays on after that.
    The door open take out your keys chime stays on all the time the
    ignition switch is turned off- checked door switch and it is good and
    even cut the wire to the switch and the chime still sounds. Can I just
    leave the 5 amp fuse to the chime out forever? it seems to control the
    memory of the radio so I would like to fix this and be able to leave
    the fuse in.

    please let me hear any comments you may have on what to do to fix
    these minor problems. I am going to keep it so if you tell me to sell
    it give me an offer (;- )
    metoo, Oct 28, 2005
  2. metoo

    marx404 Guest

    First, I would check out that SES code and find out what it is. Second, did
    the PCM get wet? Just some starter points, perhaps a pro here can suggest

    marx404, Oct 28, 2005
  3. metoo

    metoo Guest

    Thanks for the reply I hadn't had time to look at the ses code or even
    figure out what the pcm is much less where its at, just got my
    brothers 88 f150 running it was 100% under seawater and felt good now
    we see how long it last. Most of the 14 cars in my extended family had
    insurance too bad they can do any better then number 300 on the
    waiting list to rent a car until the claims adjuster gets to them.
    metoo, Oct 29, 2005
  4. metoo

    Private Guest

    REMOVE carpets (not as hard as it sounds but be carefull not to break the
    plastic holding the attachment clips. Use a long thin pry bar or similar)
    and wash with detergent and a thorough rinse with a hose, dry before
    Pressure wash thoroughly all underside of car and frame, especially the
    flexible exhaust section and the radiator.
    I would remove the wheels (good time for a tire rotation) and wash and
    inspect the brakes. This will be a good time to change the shoes or pads if
    required. I would remove the front calipers and treat the slider bolts with
    a good layer of "neverseize" (high temp thread lube). I would dissasemble
    the rear brakes and neverseize the automatic adjuster threads. I would try
    to figure out a way to clean and lube the park brake cables. The wheel
    bearings are sealed.
    Check the driveshaft boots, if there is any grease leaking out then you can
    be sure salt water leaked IN.
    Use neverseize on the THREADS of the the wheel studs. do not overlube or get
    grease on the cones of the wheel or nuts.
    I think the speedo is electric ???, the sending unit may be damaged or wet
    but I do not know where it is located, check your manual
    These are all indicative of wet elecrics and will probably cause you grief
    for some time. ANY wiring and especially switches that were wet with salt
    water is going to cause continued grief due to corrosion.
    Change the transmission oil (and filter if autotrans)
    IMHO they are not minor, but are indicators of problems to come.

    I am going to keep it so if you tell me to sell
    Good luck
    Private, Oct 30, 2005
  5. metoo

    metoo Guest

    Thank you this is the info I needed. Seems like a great checklist for

    Mike Guerin
    metoo, Nov 2, 2005
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