Hi Car: 94 SC2 Aprrox 160K miles. Auto. All original. Normally starts and runs fine. Lately, if you shut it off and come back between 15 min and an hour later and go to start it the following happens: An initial cough from the engine, and then it just cranks like it is getting no gas. If you floor it will start eventually. If you shut it off and come back in a few minutes or a few hours later it starts fine. Plugs, wires, and rotor replaced. Alas, same symptoms. Replaced: PCV valve. Looked bad. Alas, same symptoms. Cleaned: Throttle body, IAC valve, throttle position sensor. So far so good after 1 day, but I don't trust it. Other anomolies: The idle seems a bit high also. 1200 or so on the dash gauge (Same as before all this). Fan comes on for some reason 2 minutes after you start it cold, then shuts off about 10 minutes later. Never did that before. And its winter here in Ct. I didn't check for any diagnostic codes. No check engine light or other indications of trouble. Anyone have any ideas what to try next?