93 SW2 running extremely rough until warmed up.

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by George Wilson, Jan 21, 2005.

  1. checked tps, good checked cts. good i know it has a vacuum
    leak somewhere but that shouldnt be the issue here i dont think.
    sometimes it doesn't run rough at all during startup, but most of the
    time i cant put it in gear without it dying, runs fine once its warmed
    up. i think it could be that its not getting enough fuel for the
    warming up proccess, which needs to be rich, and once it leans out its
    getting sufficiant fuel. could a saturn technician help me please.
    George Wilson, Jan 21, 2005
  2. George Wilson

    Mike Guest

    Check out the coolant temp sensor - the one that send temp info to the PCM
    (not to the temp gauge). If the PCM thinks the engine is already warm, it
    won't give it the added fuel it needs when it is cold. This is not an
    uncommon problem to come across, and a fairly cheap and easy fix.
    Mike, Jan 21, 2005
  3. Thank you for your input. Is there any way to check the coolant temp
    George Wilson, Jan 21, 2005
  4. George Wilson

    Nick Hull Guest

    Just take it to your local (NOT Saturn) garage and they should check it
    for free. The dealer will check it for $75.
    Nick Hull, Jan 31, 2005
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