93 SL2 hard to start, sometimes cant even start

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by KentS, Sep 27, 2004.

  1. KentS

    KentS Guest

    93 SL2 hard to start, sometimes cant even start. but once i get it going no
    problems. i checked the engine codes which i havent checked in years, and i
    got engine codes 23,26,32, and 45. but when i erased the PCM memory by
    disconnecting the battery, connected the battery again and started my car.
    The service engine light came on and i only got engine code 23. That is the
    Intake air temperature sensor is faulty. Would my car start better if i
    replaced that sensor? any commments would help thank you.
    KentS, Sep 27, 2004
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