'92 SL2 Smog Check - help / advice

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by bill, Jun 21, 2006.

  1. bill

    bill Guest

    I live in California and to register my car this year requires a smog check.
    I'm not really looking for "Marvel's Magic Smog Check Fix" to dump in the
    tank just before the check but I do want to give it the best chance of

    I use the highest octane gas with standard plugs for a '92 SL2 DOHC ( NGK
    BKR 5E SA-11 ). Would lower octane and longer reach plugs help ?

    Any advice is appreciated. I've kept it in good shape; change the oil &
    filters 2-3 times as often as recommended and drive fairly sanely.


    bill, Jun 21, 2006
  2. bill

    SnoMan Guest

    Lower octane will not help and will likely increase hydrocarbons
    because spark may be more retard with it at time. Several bottles of
    dry gas (Methyl Alchol) can help because it adds oxygen to fuel and
    can reduce emission levels during a check.
    SnoMan, Jun 21, 2006
  3. bill

    BläBlä Guest

    You use the highest octane gas why? Does this saturn have a 11:1
    compression ratio? Or are you covering up symptoms? If your car
    knocks/pings I suggest you try decarbonizing the engine and or doing a
    tune up following the factory specs.
    BläBlä, Jun 22, 2006
  4. I use to have a 97 SW2. I only had 55,000 miles on it. I think I only
    did 1 tune-up on that car. Other than that single tune-up the only
    service I did to the engin was regular oil changes. I never had a
    problem passing the smog test. If you are nervous about passing you can
    have the car pre tested ( ie tested but the results are not sent into
    DMV). If by some chance your car doesn't pass the pre test you can get
    the problem fixed before getting the official test done.
    Casey Kerrigan, Jun 22, 2006
  5. bill

    bill Guest

    Thanks for the suggestions guys. Appreciate it.

    bill, Jun 22, 2006
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