'92 SL fan and engine temp

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by bill, Nov 21, 2006.

  1. bill

    bill Guest

    On my 92 SL DOHC the average temp on the C to H dial is about half way;
    summers it moves a little over the half mark, winters it stays under.

    But when I get stuck in stop 'n go, it climbs up and touches the red
    zone. Then I do what everyone else does, I punch the a/c button, then
    punch it again to get the fan going. I don't keep the a/c on because the
    temp runs back up. The fan cools the temp down quickly to a
    reasonable amount above normal. If there's 40 minutes of this kind of
    traffic, that's a lot of punching on the a/c button.

    It's too much to expect there is some way to get the fan to work like
    they do in normal cars; turns on when the engine starts and turns off a
    few minutes after the engines stops regardless if the key is in the ignition
    or not. But is there some way to rig the fan relay or something else to get
    the fan to start when the key is in the accessory position ? Or has anyone
    figured out a better solution ?

    bill, Nov 21, 2006
  2. bill

    James1549 Guest

    Your '92 should have 2 engine temp sensors. One will have 2 wires, and
    one will have 1 wire. The 1 wire sensor is for the dash gauge. The 2
    wire sensor goes to the ECM, which in turn, turns the cooling fan off
    and on. Maybe you should replace that sensor and see if that changes
    anything. That sensor is less than $20 at your dealer. Good luck, James
    James1549, Nov 21, 2006
  3. bill

    Lane Guest

    Before you go trying to rewire your car to do something it wasn't designed
    to do from the factory... have you checked the simpler things? Did you do a
    flush & fill of the coolant, change the thermostat, checked the temperature
    sensor(s)? Is the plastic air dam still there under the front end of the
    car? It plays a big part in cooling.

    If it climbs into the red and stays there, I would be concerned and look
    into it. But if it only occasionally touches it, I would not consider it a
    big deal. As long as the fan comes on by itself, and does so when it is
    supposed to - but you can't tell that from eyeballing the vauge colors on
    the gauge. A Saturn tech can plug into the car and monitor your temperature
    sensors and determine if the PCM is turning on the fan when it should. That
    is the proper way to diagnose this prior to guessing and replacing parts, or
    attempting to 're-wire' something.
    I think you'll find that most cars now work the same way as your Saturn -
    they only run the fan when the PCM determines it is needed.

    Lane [ lane (at) evilplastic.com ]
    Lane, Nov 21, 2006
  4. bill

    bill Guest

    On my 92 SL DOHC the average temp on the C to H dial is about half way;
    I'll check out the ECM. Thanks for the suggestion.

    But there's a misunderstanding here. On these '92 SL2s the engine cooling
    fan only comes on if the airconditioner is ON. My fan is operating exactly
    as designed. Unfortunately it was a poor design choice. You can "fake it
    out" by punching the a/c button then turning it right off again. The fan
    will run for about 5 minutes then you have to do it again.

    I'm glad to here saturn changed this in newer models but please know your
    models or do some research before commenting.

    bill, Nov 22, 2006
  5. bill

    bill Guest

    I'll check out the ECM. Thanks for the suggestion.
    I apologize. I guess this fan is supposed to turn on even if the a/c is OFF.
    But it has never done this since I've owned the car and a simple google
    turns up dozens of complaints just like mine on the 92 SL2s.

    I'll google 1st after this.
    bill, Nov 22, 2006
  6. bill

    SMS Guest

    Don't you hate it when you have a product that is defective and you go
    for years without even realizing that something is wrong?
    SMS, Nov 22, 2006
  7. bill

    Bob Shuman Guest

    Either the coolant temperature sensor, the fan relay, the computer getting
    signals to/from them, or the cooling fan are defective. I put my money on
    the CTS as this is a common failure. Sounds like yours has been broken for
    a long time and you are doing manual cooling using the A/C switch.

    Bob Shuman, Nov 22, 2006
  8. bill

    SnoMan Guest

    THe problem is a defect by design. GM does not let fan come one until
    coolant temp exceeds 230 degrees to limit fan noise and at which point
    steam pockets are formomg and can cause it to vent. There is a fter
    market kit on Ebay that will fit 95 and back Saturns that lets you set
    fan temp not GM.
    SnoMan, Nov 22, 2006
  9. about 2 years after i got my 93 sl2 i had problems with temp going up, I
    found that cleaning the radiator with spray hose and air hose used from
    both sides to get the bugs , lint, feathers and whatever else got in
    there, took care of the problem I have to do this about every 2 to 3
    justastreekin, Nov 24, 2006
  10. bill

    ayoung002 Guest

    This might be a fan issue, but I would also be wary that it could be a
    leaking head gasket. I had a 1993 Ford Thunderbird that would run fine
    until I stopped at a light. If the car was stopped for more than a few
    seconds, the temperature gauge would shoot up. I know that on that Ford
    I could smell a little radiator fluid when I would get out of the
    drivers side door. It was not overpowering, but there was enough of a
    smell to notice when you first get out of the car. I don't think you
    would necessarily have to smell the fluid to have a leaking head gasket

    Anyway, I would just check into this if you can not verify it is truly
    a fan problem.
    ayoung002, Nov 25, 2006
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