2006 Saturn Ion

Discussion in 'Saturn ION' started by Miles, Dec 27, 2005.

  1. Miles

    Miles Guest

    Had to take this car back to dealer twice only has 808 miles on the car
    first time was 776 miles, reason the check engine light came on. reason
    Knock sensor but there was nothing wrong with the sensor, Said there was
    a software problem and engineering was working on it. So took it in
    today with the same problem and same code and they said there is a
    software update available but they didn't have the two hour needed to
    update the computer so it goes back in Thursday and get the update to
    the computer to fix the Knock sensor problem. I'll let you all know how
    it goes.
    Miles, Dec 27, 2005
  2. Miles

    mmo Guest

    Here is the cut from the first invoice

    Repair that was preformed in next message::
    mmo, Dec 29, 2005
  3. Miles

    mmo Guest

    Ok got the repair done today. Have to wait and see if SES light come
    back on now. Below it a cut of the invoice of the repair that was done

    If I have any more trouble with the 2006 Saturn Ion I'll let you all
    know what is up..
    mmo, Dec 29, 2005
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