2004 Saturn ION 1 Tires

Discussion in 'Saturn ION' started by M Burnside, Apr 9, 2005.

  1. M Burnside

    M Burnside Guest


    Just wondering what sort of tires people are replacing the original tires
    with. My original firestone tires only lasted 18000 miles and I need to
    replace them now. Any experience with other tires and how many miles they
    went would be nice. Also what sort of handling and wet traction you get
    since I live in rainy Seattle.

    M Burnside, Apr 9, 2005
  2. M Burnside

    steve eddy Guest

    Not a Saturn, but when the original (lousy) firestones went on my '97
    Corolla, I put on Michelin MX4 ("Rainforce") tires, and they performed
    astonishingly well in the wet. Terrific handling and grip.
    steve eddy, Apr 9, 2005
  3. M Burnside

    marx404 Guest

    I second Michelin and also check out BF Goorich T/A too. Low prices and
    excellent wet/dry traction.

    marx404, Apr 10, 2005
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