2003 VUE Roof Rails

Discussion in 'Saturn VUE' started by Dan Gimon, May 26, 2004.

  1. Dan Gimon

    Dan Gimon Guest

    VUE owners are probably familiar with the black plastic roof trim
    pieces that run the length of the roof along the left and right sides.
    These are held on by TORX bolts recessed down into "wells" in the the rails.
    Well these "wells" fill up with water and in cold climates such as mine
    (Ontario, Canada) this water freezes and expands causing the plastic "wells"
    to crack. Some of mine are cracked (the worst are the two rear holes) but
    the dealer is telling me that these cracks are "drain slits". I know he's
    full of shit but he insists they are designed in. He also tells me that for
    the 2004 model year they did away with the "drain slits" and that's why we
    don't see any on the new VUEs on the lot. I don't believe him for a minute
    but I need to prove him wrong. Has anyone else experienced these cracks.
    Even if you live in a warm climate without snow and ice, could you check as
    well to see if indeed there are "drain slits". You may never have had a
    reason to look up there but please have a look for me if you don't mind and
    let me know, and if you find cracks you may be entitled to repairs.

    Thanks, Dan
    Dan Gimon, May 26, 2004
  2. Dan Gimon

    Blah blah Guest

    Uh they look like drain slits that cracked.
    Question. Does this in anyway weaken your roofrack?
    Blah blah, May 26, 2004
  3. Dan Gimon

    Dan Gimon Guest

    I've seen a case where the back of the rails weren't being held down any
    more because all of the plastic around the bolt had cracked. Water can get
    in, freeze, and crack whatever is underneath. Yes, I would say that
    structural damage could occur. Do you own a VUE?
    Dan Gimon, May 26, 2004
  4. Dan Gimon

    Blah blah Guest

    If they wont do nothing then take them off and fix them with JB weld.
    Blah blah, May 26, 2004
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