2003 Vue/Aftermarket Stereo Help

Discussion in 'Saturn VUE' started by mryukk, Jun 4, 2004.

  1. mryukk

    mryukk Guest

    I am trying to install an Eclipse mp3 player in my 2003 Vue. I bought a
    wiring harness and It didn't work. I noticed that the pins were different
    in the harness that I bought and the harness that was connected to the
    stock Saturn cd player. I cut the plug off the stock harness out of the
    Vue and tried wiring it that way. In both casses When I turn the ignition
    on the stereo "resets" ,it spit the cd out the first time, but I can't
    turn the power on. The stereo works, as the people at the stereo shop
    tested it. Any sugestions please. Also does anyone know what I should do
    with the gold/copper braided wire that was connected to the back of the
    stock cd player.--thanks
    mryukk, Jun 4, 2004
  2. mryukk

    mryukk Guest

    Also, the wiring harness that I bought was for a 2001/2002 Vue. Are they
    different, if so does anyone know where I can get the correct one.--thanks
    mryukk, Jun 4, 2004
  3. The indirect answer is: Realizing that this is after the fact of your
    purchase, you may want to consult crutchfield.com for the parts you need
    - they also have a veritable library of wiring diagrams, etc - tho I
    don't remember if you have to make a purchase (wiring harness?) to get a
    wiring diagram for your vehicle or not.


    richard hornsby, Jun 4, 2004
  4. mryukk

    Wild Bill Guest

    I do not know if Cruthfield will will supply a wiring diagram or not, but in
    the past they would supply installation instructions for around five bucks
    with no purchase required. They did it for my Saturn. Crutchfield is a
    great resource and a great company.
    Wild Bill, Jun 6, 2004
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