2003 Ion Heater

Discussion in 'Saturn ION' started by Jackie M, Jun 8, 2007.

  1. Jackie M

    Jackie M Guest

    I've posted various things about Ions numerous times here. I've got a
    new issue. I've got a 2003 Ion 3, just under 38k. On my way into work
    yesterday, I turned my heater setting to defog my windshield, put the
    fan level on 2, and had the temp mid-way through the red side. Then I
    cranked up my music and welcomed the day. Since the fan was on such a
    low setting, its normal for me to not hear it running with the music

    Work is about 7 miles from home. I was about a mile out from work when
    I realized that my windshield was fogging up. I looked down, all the
    dials were where I left them. I changed to the bi-level heating, and
    turned the fan up to 4, and realized that the entire time, it had been
    doing absolutely nothing. I manipulated all the settings, and nothing
    would make air blow. And than magically the vents started blowing, and
    have worked fine ever since. (No I didn't have them closed)

    Has anyone experienced this? Or have any idea what can cause this to
    Jackie M, Jun 8, 2007
  2. Jackie M

    BläBlä Guest

    Probably a contact problem.
    BläBlä, Jun 8, 2007
  3. Jackie M

    teem Guest

    Mine fogs up too!,annoying!somehow ''dead air'' gets trapped inside
    the dash,it takes warm air to finally clear it.Also,is the inside of
    your winsheild clean?,that will take longer if theres a haze on it.
    teem, Jun 10, 2007
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