2002 SL very hard shifting 2/3 gears?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Leythos, Jan 1, 2009.

  1. Leythos

    Leythos Guest

    Was looking at a used Saturn 2002 with 140K on it for one of my kids and
    the thing really slammed into 3rd gear (automatic transmission) and less
    hard into 2nd....

    Driving was smooth when not shifting, no slipping could be detected
    while accelerating....

    Any ideas?
    Leythos, Jan 1, 2009
  2. Leythos

    Bob Shuman Guest

    If it slams into all gears, then check out the shift modulation solenoid.
    If it is only one gear, then check that shift solenoid. The resistance of
    the solenoids can be measured at the connector on the top of the
    transmission access cover. If I recall correctly, they should all (there
    are 5 of them, so there are 10 connections) measure between 4 and 8 ohms.
    If they all measure correctly (one will usually be way different - open or
    shorted for instance), then try draining and then replacing the trans fluid
    and adding some trans additive and following directions on the can/bottle.
    When done, Make sure that you drain the fluid again and also replace the
    filter at that time too. Use the correct fluid which I believe should be
    Dexron III. Good luck.

    Bob Shuman, Jan 5, 2009
  3. Leythos

    marx404 Guest

    I had this happen on my '02 SC2, it was the transmission control module.
    marx404, Jan 18, 2009
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