2001 SL1 Auto Fluid change interval

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by clutch, Jan 11, 2004.

  1. clutch

    clutch Guest

    I was on saturnfans.com and I looked at the history of the SL series
    of cars. I noticed that in 2001 they started using long life (100K)
    fluid. When I bought my used 2001 the dealership only had a 2000
    manual to give me but told me that it is the same.

    Did the 30,000 mile auto tran change interval go to 100k on 2001

    I bought the filter and fluid (non synthetic) would it hurt to do it
    any way? I am concerned that the long life fluid might be a synthetic
    and the stuff I put in will be non synthetic.

    Thanks a bunch,

    clutch, Jan 11, 2004
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