2001 LW200 ignition woes

Discussion in 'Saturn L-series' started by Steph, Sep 27, 2006.

  1. Steph

    Steph Guest

    Luckily we have a Extended Service agreement, so if the problem is truly
    fixed it only cost us the $50 deductible.

    Notcied the car was louder suddenly. Sounded like the valve covers or
    maybe a header was loose. Didn't see any drippings or smoke out of the
    pipe, but the oil appeared low.
    Filling it up didn't quiet it.

    Service manager said the computer reported tens of thousands of mis-fires
    in cylinder 3. They replaced the ignition module and coil(s?). Soudned
    better this morning when I picked it up, so i guess i am happy.

    I know the LW200 manual is fairly rare, but wondering if the
    ignition/coil issue is common. Also what long-term effects should I be
    on the lookout for due to the misfires. Should the cylinders all have a
    compression test at this point?

    About 70,000 miles on it, so the extended service plan is up in about 2-3
    months of driving.
    Steph, Sep 27, 2006
  2. Steph

    Steph Guest

    Reposting with different subject

    Luckily we have a Extended Service agreement, so if the problem is
    truly fixed it only cost us the $50 deductible.

    Noticed the car was louder suddenly. Sounded like the valve covers or
    maybe a header was loose. Didn't see any drippings or smoke out of the
    pipe, but the oil appeared low.
    Filling it up didn't quiet it.

    Service manager said the computer reported tens of thousands of
    mis-fires in cylinder 3. They replaced the ignition module and
    coil(s?). Sounded better this morning when I picked it up, so i guess
    i am happy.

    I know the LW200 4-spd manual is fairly rare, but wondering if the
    ignition/coil issue is common. Also what long-term effects should I
    be on the lookout for due to the misfires. Should the cylinders all
    have a compression test at this point?

    About 70,000 miles on it, so the extended service plan is up in about
    2-3 months of driving.

    My SO thinks once the extended coverage is up we should shop for a new
    vehicle, fearing a big ticket we have would pay for in full. I would
    prefer to drive the car for several more years if we have not hurt it.
    Steph, Sep 28, 2006
  3. Steph

    BläBlä Guest

    Usually to much resistance will take out a coil. No its not a common
    issue. You're probably about due for new plugs. (I'm not sure why they
    didnt go ahead and sell that job to you while they were right there at
    Whats cheaper in the overall scheme of things? A 300 buck monthly car
    payment or 100 bucks a month, at worse, in repairs? A "big ticket"
    repair is still far cheaper than a $15,000 dollar car. The Ecotec
    powered LW200 w/manual is a sweat little car. Keep it. Unless you want
    to sell it to "me" cheap ;)
    BläBlä, Sep 28, 2006
  4. Steph

    Steph Guest

    So Friday morning SO starts the LW200 and it fires and then coughs,
    sputters and dies out. Weird. Restarts is hard, turns over a few times
    before hitting and then blows a little cloud.

    Still had the sucking/tapping noise. So we drop it off Friday afternoon.
    I go for a ride with the Service Advisor. We both agree there is a little
    gurgle after revving the engine, he thinks it is cracks in the weld of
    the resonator - I say the whole tailpipe is solid, the sound is from
    behind the block. We also pop the hood and hear a sucking noise, maybe
    a vacuum leak?

    SO get the call back this morning.
    The sucking noise, is the power steering, Service advisor wouldn't worry
    about it. (Btw, he didn't push for spark plugs when doing the coil since
    it only has 70k and plugs should go over 100k in his words.) I tell him
    we had the PS pump replaced once already and because it is not power-
    ASSIST, when the ps goes out the car is not driveable.

    Says they foudn the gurgle source too, gasket to the exhaust headers....
    right where I said it was and what I inferred as the original problem
    earlier this week. They start to pull the headers and replace the gasket
    (in stock) but find cracks in the manifolds... not in stock.
    So our wagon sits on their lot all weekend and we canot get the rental
    until Monday mid-morning :-((

    At least the car should be tip-top after that.
    Steph, Oct 1, 2006
  5. Steph

    BläBlä Guest

    Should doesnt mean will. What is 100k miles anyway? 100k Highway miles?
    100k City miles? A car can sit in the driveway and idle day in and day
    out without racking up 1 mile will still wear out the plugs. My rule of
    thumb on double platinum plugs is to replace at 80k. This will help keep
    engines running at their optimum performance. A visiual inspection of at
    least one plug should of been done...
    BläBlä, Oct 1, 2006
  6. ignition/coil issue is common

    Saturn had a recall on some L 200 2001's for the ignition module. I had
    mine changed.
    New & Improved - N/F John, Oct 4, 2006
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