Luckily we have a Extended Service agreement, so if the problem is truly fixed it only cost us the deductible. Notcied the car was louder suddenly. Sounded like the valve covers or maybe a header was loose. Didn't see any drippings or smoke out of the pipe, but the oil appeared low. Filling it up didn't quiet it. Service manager said the computer reported tens of thousands of mis-fires in cylinder 3. They replaced the ignition module and coil(s?). Soudned better this morning when I picked it up, so i guess i am happy. I know the LW200 manual is fairly rare, but wondering if the ignition/coil issue is common. Also what long-term effects should I be on the lookout for due to the misfires. Should the cylinders all have a compression test at this point? About 70,000 miles on it, so the extended service plan is up in about 2-3 months of driving.