2000 sl2

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by THEWEARHOUSE, Aug 30, 2006.



    2000 SL2 with 105,000 miles. Would not start, sprayed chemtool down its
    throat thinking the fuel pump or injectors were bad. Still no start. Cars
    computer was hot!!!!!!!!! So hot you could not touch it. Tried scanning the
    computer, but could no link up with it. Let it set til Monday, battery was
    down, still felt like at this point could be the computer, but thought I
    would look a little more. Got the idea to hit the gas tank, so then when I
    put jumper cables on it the car started. Ran it for almost an hour, computer
    did not heat up, ran great. Now the battery was down so I checked and I have
    a short. Still think it might be the fuel pump. It is not a direct short but
    I check it with an ohm meter between the body of the car and the positive
    battery cable bingo something is touching somewhere. Now, I can pull the
    massive fuse under the hood for the fuel pump, and it will register, but it
    will register on both sides of the fuse. I have the fuse out at this point.
    Pull any other fuse it will show on the meter, only on the battery side of
    the fuse box. Not the other. Which seems normal with a short. Anyone know
    how or why I can have a short on both sides of the fuse box on the fuel pump
    Also I have pulled the pump relay and the other 10 amp pump fuse. It makes
    no difference.
    And the scanner will link with it now, no codes. Any ideas????
    THEWEARHOUSE, Aug 30, 2006
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