2000 SL1 Idling high

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by bearcat500, May 22, 2004.

  1. bearcat500

    bearcat500 Guest

    My 2000 SL1 idles high at various times. Sometimes it idles correctly and
    other times it will fluctuate all the way up to 1800 rpm's. Anyone have a
    clue of what might be causing this?

    bearcat500, May 22, 2004
  2. bearcat500

    Bill ing Guest

    My 1997 did that to me about 2 years ago and especially when the weather was
    cold and wet..

    A new idle air control valve did the trick for me at about $35 CAD from
    Saturn. Although my repair manuals said to not pull the valve out with my
    fingers, if I didn't at least pull it out part way, the engine would race up
    to 5000RPM.

    While you've got the throttle assemble apart, it's also a good idea to stick
    it in a pail and spray throttle body cleaner all over it to get rid of the


    Bill ing, May 22, 2004
  3. My 98SL2 would idle high at seemingly random times. A previous thread
    discusses the issue:


    Short version:

    The throttle position sensor was bad. Took 8 (IIRC) trips to the
    dealership before I could get the TPS to act up for them. They changed
    a bunch of sensors before figuring out it was the TPS.

    I've never had the problem since they replaced the TPS.

    richard hornsby, May 22, 2004
  4. bearcat500

    milkdude971 Guest

    welll here is some more help ..........the intake manifold gasket could be
    blown ..and your air gas mixture is too high ..therefore causing a high
    idle....or u have a vaccum leak somewhere ....but mine was an intake
    manifold gasket ...23$ cad. and 5 hours labor on my part . hope it helps.
    milkdude971, May 25, 2004
  5. bearcat500

    Blah blah Guest

    How long ago did that happen and the camshaft code get set? Something
    could have happened to the cam sensor during the intake repair.
    Blah blah, May 25, 2004
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