2000 sl1 iat sensor location

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by will, Oct 21, 2003.

  1. will

    will Guest

    Hi guys, can anyone tell me how to find the iat sensor on my 2000
    saturn sl1? I was told that it would be two wires leading in, and may
    be on the intake manifold or somewhere along the intake tract. The
    intake tract doesn't have any wires, the throttle body has a 3 wire
    plug inserted, and the intake manifold also has a 3 wire plug on the
    left top (viewing from front of car). Could the sensor be under the
    car? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    will, Oct 21, 2003
  2. will

    Napalm Heart Guest

    The intake air temperature sensor on my '96 SL2 is located in the
    nozzle attached to the front of the air filter box.

    Napalm Heart, Oct 22, 2003
  3. will

    will Guest

    thanks, I'll take a peek and see if it's there. Anyone else know if
    this is correct for a 2000 model?

    will, Oct 22, 2003
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