2000 Saturn squeak

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by abbs321, Jun 22, 2006.

  1. abbs321

    abbs321 Guest

    Please help me! I love my car, but it has been making this awful squeaking
    noise for about the last 8 months. I have had a few people look at it, but
    they can't find anything wrong with it. It only squeaks between 5-15mph,
    but it seems to be getting worse. Any ideas? Thanks.
    abbs321, Jun 22, 2006
  2. abbs321

    Steve Guest

    Hard to guess without knowing more, like from where the squeak comes.
    Loose belt, perhaps?
    Steve, Jun 23, 2006
  3. abbs321

    OceanArcher Guest


    Perhaps your squeak is a bad (dry) rear axle bearing, or maybe a dragging
    brake pad .....
    OceanArcher, Jun 28, 2006
  4. abbs321

    tonya Guest

    I am having the same problem and I was told it is definately the
    serpentine belt tensioner...
    tonya, Jul 6, 2006
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