2000 LW1 varmint bait and question

Discussion in 'Saturn L-series' started by delamite, Jul 9, 2017.

  1. delamite


    Jul 9, 2017
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    New to sight and need help. I did try to search forums before post.

    I have a low mileage LW1, that was accosted by a woodchuck. The voltage regulator wires were eaten, which I have now repaired.

    The problem is I am getting error code PO622, battery charge idiot light on. Code cleared but returns with handheld unit.

    The battery is proven good with multi-meter.
    The alternator/voltage reg brand new.

    With car running I am only getting 11.75 volts even at 2500 RPM.

    My fear is that the PCM is now damaged, and unable to control voltage. Do not know where to go from here, vehicle electrical systems are not my forte'.
    delamite, Jul 9, 2017
  2. delamite


    Oct 24, 2017
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    For whatever reason your alternator is not working. Yo probably made an error fixing the wires. I would not rush to blame the PCM because in that case you are screwed. There is no reason it would be damaged.
    richard123vmt, Oct 24, 2017
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