1999 SL2 rear brakes

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by tom_sawyer70, Jan 12, 2007.

  1. tom_sawyer70

    tom_sawyer70 Guest

    I have an '99 SL2 and need to replace the rear brakes (I've already
    replaced the front disc brakes). I have seen a rear drum brake model
    in a classroom setting and have a spring tool, but I have not worked on
    an actual car (i.e., there was no parking brake on the classroom setup,
    but I understand to work on one side and to use the other as reference
    for reassembling the springs, etc.).

    Are there any tricks, tips or quirks anyone can pass along before I
    start this task?

    Thank you,
    tom_sawyer70, Jan 12, 2007
  2. tom_sawyer70

    Bob Shuman Guest

    Take apart one side at a time so that you have a correct, working model to
    use when re-assembling the side you took apart. There is nothing special
    here and they are fairly easy to do. I'd recommend you replace the hardware
    (springs, etc.). The rear brake hardware kits are fairly cheap. Also get
    the drums resurfaced too or replace them completely if they are damaged.

    Good luck.

    Bob Shuman, Jan 13, 2007
  3. tom_sawyer70

    NapalmHeart Guest

    I agree with Bob. Check the cost difference on turning drums vs. new drums.
    It likely won't cost that much more to just replace them. Additionally,
    look the wheel cylinders over for any sign of leakage and check the
    condition of the lines and hose. Make sure that when you bleed the brakes
    that before you stop you see clean, fresh fluid coming out of the bleeder.

    NapalmHeart, Jan 13, 2007
  4. imho:

    The only tip I can remember when working with rear brakes is this.
    Safely jack the car, remove both wheels, remove both drums, and then
    only work on one set of brakes at a time. Use the 'other' brake as a
    model how everything should look when done.

    That worked for me in the past.

    Tom @ www.Texas-VOIP.com
    Tom The Great, Jan 13, 2007
  5. tom_sawyer70

    moklock Guest

    Pick up a pair of needle-nose locking pliers if you don't already own
    some too. They work much easier than the hook type brake tool for the
    return springs, just lock them on the springs right near the hook ends.
    moklock, Jan 14, 2007
  6. tom_sawyer70

    Doug Miller Guest

    No, they don't. Used properly, the purpose-built brake spring tool is *far*
    easier than a locking pliers. I haven't used a locking pliers on brake springs
    once in thirty years, since I bought the proper tool.
    Doug Miller, Jan 14, 2007
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