1999 SL2 passenger side mirror

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by Pete KE9OA, Aug 24, 2005.

  1. Pete KE9OA

    Pete KE9OA Guest

    Are there any sources besided Saturn dealers for this part? One of the
    neighbor's garbage cans blew into my car as I was making a turn and the
    passenger side mirror broke off. It flew somewhere into the local swamp, so
    finding it is out of the question.

    Pete KE9OA, Aug 24, 2005
  2. Pete KE9OA

    Bob Shuman Guest

    Junk/salvage yard units would be much cheaper.
    Bob Shuman, Aug 24, 2005
  3. Pete KE9OA

    Pete KE9OA Guest

    That is the first plan I tried, but I haven't been able to locate one.

    Pete KE9OA, Aug 25, 2005
  4. Pete KE9OA

    Bob Shuman Guest


    I've never ordered from these guys, but they get some rave reviews from
    others who have used them in this newsgroup. They appear to specialize in
    engines, transmissions, and larger body/chassis parts, but hey, if they have
    this many cars to take the parts from, then they must have the smaller stuff
    like mirrors too. Why don't you give them a call or send email and ask? If
    they say they don't sell them, they can likely point you to someone local
    who does.


    Bob Shuman, Aug 25, 2005
  5. The same mirror on a 1993 SL2 cost me $20 at the dealership. You could
    probably find it cheaper on Ebay.
    Mephistopheles Jones, Aug 25, 2005
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